What is Android Studio Tutorials app ?
Android Studio Tutorial apps is best way to learn android development with tutorials and examples. Because App contain over 100 tutorials with exampls.
Not only that Android Studio Tutorial app consists with source code for every example . You can easily create an app using this app. You can learn android development with basic knowledge of Java.
You can download the app easily and learn lots of things . Android tutorial app has 3 tabs . The first tab shows the XML . And the Second tab shows the Java part . And third tab shows the Output . Then you can easily understand .
Android Studio Tutorial apps consists with following tutorials Categories. And all the categories consists with 100+ examples of Java and XML
- Android Introduction
- Android versions
- Download Android Studio
- Setup you environment for android studio
- Build your First Android app
- change your app icon
- Android Layouts
- Genarate your First APK
- Android UI widgets
- Android Studio with firebase
- Android Studio Shortcuts
- Android Toast messages
- Android menu
- Android Notifications
- Android Studio Material Designs
- Android Data Storege and SQLite
- Android Intent
- Android Fragments
- Android Activities
- Android Data and Time
- Android Animations
- Andoid Containers
- Bluetooth and WIFI Manager
- JSON parsing
- Camera
And Many more contents avaiable in this app.
You can learn all and use this app as a Free.